How to Submit Your Manuscript to Matthew James Publishing: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you an aspiring author eager to see your book published? Submitting your manuscript to a publisher can be an exciting yet daunting process. At Matthew James Publishing, we want to make it straightforward for writers to submit their work.

This step-by-step guide will walk you through each step of our book submission process, from the initial submission to finalising a contract. 

Before you begin, please read our submission guidelines.

Photo by Ron Lach
Step One: Submit a Synopsis and the First Three Chapters of Your Manuscript

The journey to getting published by Matthew James Publishing begins by submitting a detailed synopsis of your book, alongside the first three chapters of your manuscript. Together these elements will showcase your writing style, storytelling ability, and the overall direction of your book. They help our submissions team determine whether your work aligns with our publishing plans.

How to Submit:

  • Write a synopsis of your book. This can be a one-sheet detailing the plot from beginning to end, a chapter-by-chapter breakdown of the story, or both.
  • Format your manuscript according to our submission guidelines. Ensure it’s presented in a standard font (like Times New Roman), and includes a cover page with your contact information.
  • Attach the first three chapters of your manuscript in a Word document.
  • Send your submission via email to submissions@matthewjamespublishing,com, with the subject line: “Book Submission: [Your Book Title]”.

Remember, your submission is your first impression, so make it count!

Please Note: Matthew James Publishing does not publish children’s books.

Photo by Lany-Jade Mondou
Step Two: Manuscript Review by Submissions Team

Once your manuscript is submitted, our experienced submissions team takes over. 

This step is where we dive into the heart of your work. Our team carefully reads the first three chapters to assess your manuscript’s potential.

What We Look For:

  • Engaging Writing: We seek manuscripts with a strong voice and compelling narrative.
  • Market Potential: Does your book have the potential to resonate with a particular audience?
  • Alignment with Our Catalog: We look for books that fit within our existing portfolio but also bring something new and exciting to the table.

This part of the process can take some time, so we appreciate your patience. We’re committed to giving every submission the attention it deserves.

Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán
Step Three: Submission Accepted or Declined

After reviewing your manuscript, we move to the decision-making stage. If your submission piques our interest, you’ll move to the next step. However, if we decide not to move forward, don’t be discouraged. The publishing industry is highly subjective, and a decision to decline doesn’t reflect on the quality of your work.

If your submission is accepted, we’ll request a full manuscript so we can read the whole book and make further decisions about the future of your book.

Unfortunately, we can’t get back to everyone. We’re only a small team and regularly receive hundreds of submissions.

Photo by cottonbro studio
Step Four: Matthew James Publishing Contacts the Author

If your manuscript is accepted, we’ll reach out to you with the good news! 

This is an exciting moment, as it means we see promise in your work and want to explore the possibility of publishing it. Our team will contact you via email, so be sure to keep an eye on your inbox.

Step Five: Meeting with The Editor

After you’ve been contacted, we’ll arrange a meeting with Matthew James Publishing’s editor to discuss your book in more detail. 

This conversation is a crucial step in understanding your vision for the book and how we can collaborate to bring it to life. We’ll talk about everything from the themes and target audience to potential marketing strategies and how we can make your book stand out.

What to Expect:

  • Feedback: We may provide feedback on your manuscript, suggesting areas that could be strengthened. This is all in service of making your book the best it can be.
  • Vision Alignment: We’ll ensure our vision aligns with yours so that we can work together to create the best possible book.
  • Next Steps: We’ll outline what happens next in the publishing process.

This dialogue ensures that both parties are on the same page and sets the stage for a successful partnership.

Photo by Karolina Kaboompics
Step Six: Contract

The final step is the contract. If both parties agree on the direction of the project, we’ll offer you a publishing contract. You will be contacted by one of our team about this separately.

The contract will detail the terms of our agreement, including royalties, rights, and the publishing schedule.

After the contract is signed, the real work begins—editing, designing, marketing, and finally, publishing your book for the world to read.

Photo by cottonbro studio
Good Luck with Your Submission

Submitting your manuscript to Matthew James Publishing is the first step towards achieving your publishing dreams. 

By following these steps, we hope you have a clearer picture of our publishing process and you can ensure that your submission stands out. 

We look forward to discovering new voices and helping authors bring their stories to life. If you’re ready to submit your manuscript, you can start the process here

We can’t wait to read your work!

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